Carl Weber’s The Family Business is an American drama series that follows the Duncans, a black family who runs a successful funeral home business in Harlem. The series aired its fourth season on December 10, 2020, and the first episode of season 4, “The Reunion”, was full of suspense and drama.
Introduction to Season 4
The fourth season of The Family Business continues the story of the Duncan family as they navigate their way through the dangers of the criminal underworld and the challenges of running a business. This season sees the family reunite and face new threats as well as old ones. The season also introduces new characters and explores the family’s past.
Plot Summary of Episode 1
In the first episode of season 4, “The Reunion”, the Duncan family comes together for a family reunion. However, the reunion is overshadowed by the return of their long-lost brother, Leon, who has been missing for years. Leon’s return brings with it secrets and surprises that will challenge the family’s unity.
Character Development in Episode 1
The Duncan family is at the heart of the show and the reunion in the first episode of season 4 allows the audience to get to know the characters better.
The Duncan’s patriarch, Ezekiel, is the head of the family and is determined to keep his family safe. He is a no-nonsense, take-charge kind of guy, and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his family.
Ezekiel’s wife, Vanessa, is the matriarch of the family and is the voice of reason. She is the glue that holds the family together and she is fiercely protective of her family.
Finally, Leon is the long-lost brother of the family and his return brings with it a lot of questions. He is a mysterious character and it is unclear what his motives are.
The first episode of season 4 of The Family Business was full of suspense and drama and set the stage for an exciting season. The audience is left with unanswered questions and eager to find out what will happen next.