Have you ever misplaced your credit card and wondered what to do next? Besides getting lost, do you know that credit card fraud happens daily, especially with this economic hardship? As a result, you should take different steps to protect your card before becoming a victim of fraud. If you discover that your card is missing, it is essential to guard your credit card information and alert the card issuer that your account has been tampered with. However, you may sometimes realize later that your card needs to be included. You can contact the issuer early, as they can use websites such as justkillpro to check if the hacker has interfered with the cash in the bank. The article below will educate you on the steps to take if your card is stolen or lost.
Contact Your Card Issuer
Once you have suspected any fraud on your credit card account, you should immediately inform your card issuer by calling your number at the back. While waiting for a representative on the line, you can check online or via your mobile app to see if you can lock or freeze your account. When you talk to the representative, tell them your account was tampered with. The bank will cancel the card and mail you a new card number. The new card might take around ten days, and while waiting for it, note that you cannot access your credit card account. After you get your new card, the credit card issuer can start investigating your issue with the old card.
Change Your Log in Information
If you fall victim to fraud after you contact your issuer and are given a new card, the next thing to do is to change all your login information. You should change your user’s name, PIN, and password because if you don’t, the hacker can use the exact information to log into your account. In addition, if you realize that some of your other online accounts were hacked, you need to change their login information as quickly as possible.
Monitor Your Credit Card Statement
Do you always go through your card’s statement? After you report your fraud case to your card issuer, sign in to your online account and check if you received a refund for the fraudulent charges. Once you have done this and realized that everything is okay, double-check if the information is up to date, and if so, verify the details of each transaction. Here, you can see if your credit account was interfered with.
Protect Yourself from Any Future Fraud
After you have checked and realized that your credit card account is okay, the next thing to do is to protect it from future fraud. How can you do it? You can follow the below steps as they would guide you:
- Continually monitor your credit card accounts
- Sign up for transaction alerts
- Freeze your credits
- Always check your credit score
- Secure your physical cards
- Limit the people to whom you give your credit card number
- Never write down your passwords
- Don’t use any public WIFI
- Be wary of advertisements
One of the things that you should always do is protect your credit card information. However, because some things have yet to be planned for, once you realize that your credit card needs to be added, alert your card issuer as they can use sites such as justkillpro to check if your credit card account has been tampered with.