The more cryptocurrency takes over. More users are starting to search for places online that can become reliable and solid platforms for exchange. The reason for non-custodial exchanges to come into the favorites of many is that this category doesn’t store users’ private access keys.
Those who have been in the sphere for some time already know that unique keys are the only thing granting access to the wallet and enabling them to perform all kinds of operations. With non-custodial services, the control over keys is given fully to customers. At the same time, some popular exchanges, such as Binance, leave this function to themselves. Hence, all the crypto users on the platform don’t fully belong to them.
Moreover, such services can lock accounts from people, providing no access to funds anymore. This has caused outrage in Canada and other places and given rise to more non-custodial exchanges.
This short article overviews the most worthy services to consider using these days. They will enable you to trade the newest coins and find the most popular coin and token pairs (such as ETH to TRX) conveniently while being more assured of the safety of your access keys.
Top 3 Non-Custodial Exchange Services in 2023
When it comes to places where you will entrust digital funds, you probably, want excellent security and cool features. Places that go beyond the basics and offer extended functions are enjoying fame.
On this list, these exchanges are included:
1. LetsExchange.
This cryptocurrency exchange is very fiat-friendly, fast, and transparent in its way of working. If you want uncomplicated conversion, over 2,300 coins for exchange in the same place, and excellent reporting about each transaction, this is it.
With this, you don’t need to set up an account or provide any fraud-sensitive data. LetsExchange has a simplistic interface that makes it easy to deposit the crypto to the right wallet address and find the best rate to create the most of the swap.
At the same time, registering an account will get you the privileges of listing favorite coins, viewing the history of swaps, and becoming a member of an affiliate program. LetsExchange supports over 80 currencies and allows crypto-to-fiat trades as well.
2. ChangeNow.
This platform is focused on the needs of all types of customers. Whether a newcomer or someone kicking around longer and having more experience in trading, it has answers for you.
First, there are lightning-fast transactions not limited in their number. Any of them can be made with the help of Visa or MasterCard cards which is an extra benefit. Operations with crypto require mentioning no personal data if you want to stay even safer. No concealed fees were found either. All in all, the charges include a 1% of service fee (paid in NOW tokens), network fees, and 5% or $10 for Simplex service.
The features to discover here are crypto loans, deposit-free swaps directly in the wallet, and converting currencies starting from as little as $2.
3. SimpleSwap.
This non-custodial exchange can boast a rich choice of virtual and fiat currencies and enables easy swaps using smartphones. It’s great to see notifications about the exchange stages, receive price alerts for the most interesting coins, and access exchange history and address books.
The interest rate on exchanges depends on the market analysis. There’s also a 4,95% fee for purchasing cryptocurrency and a network fee. Perks like cashback in BTC, contests, and getting spinoffs from swaps make it more attractive.
Apart from using top non-custodial exchanges such as ChangeNow, SimpleSwap, and LetsExchange to make TRX to CAKE exchange operations and similar, remember to be considerate in your financial decisions with crypto.