Muay Thai students from all over the world continue to flock to Thailand in order to train with some of the most respected legends which this sport has ever produced. Muay Thai Kru or trainers is highly experienced professionals who have dedicated their entire lives to Muay Thai and their primary objective as trainers is to share their hard earned experiences with as many students as they possibly can. A lot of the training takes place on one of the beautiful beaches surrounding Thailand and some of the activities which takes place in the soft, shifting sand are shadow boxing, planks, jumps and sprints. Ask anyone familiar with beach training and they will tell you training in sand can be challenging because it substantially improves your VO2 max which is the amount of oxygen which a person can intake. This is a standard which is used across the world to determine individual cardio fitness and endurance. In fact VO2 max is considered to be the gold standard as far as cardio fitness is concerned.
Old school training
There are several Muay Thai and MMA champions who frequently do their agility drills in loose sand in order to strengthen their legs and to improve footwork. There are dozens of tiny stabilizing muscles which are forced to work very hard in soft sand. Muay Thai training camps all across Thailand make full use of beaches and self constructed sandpits to ensure optimal fitness of their fighters. The Muay Thai exercise routine ensures high levels of physical fitness, weight loss, excellent health and wellness. This unique sport has transformed so many lives and it continues to be one of the most respected martial disciplines on the planet. Having a strong core is essential for progress in Muay Thai. The only defense against those brutal body blows is a well developed and strong set of abdominal muscles. This protects your vital organs from serious damage. This is why boxing conditioning is used to build core strength and this is done with wall-sits which is done in one minute sets while a training partner is punching you.
Team training
Muay Thai has always been a team sport and especially student training is mostly done in groups. Research has shown that exposure to new training partners substantially increase the amount of effort which people invest in their workouts. Furthermore training as a close knit group generates a strong sense of camaraderie and increases satisfaction levels in people. Many Muay Thai students at Muaythai-thailand have discovered to their delight and surprise that when doing shadow boxing, sparring, bag work or pad work all their problems just seen to vanish. This does not happen when doing weights or circuits but turn to Muay Thai training and suddenly life seems carefree and tranquil. The primary benefit of Muay Thai training continues to be cardiovascular health with a strong and healthy heart and healthy blood vessels which seriously reduce the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.